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Evolution of the GPO eBook

We've outlined the current state of GPOs, provided definitions and history, and discussion questions for you to think through.


How to Master Trade Promotion Management

This white paper lays out the top-performing types of promotions, explains how you can measure your own trade performance data, and provides suggestions to help you craft a strategy that secures the highest ROI possible.


The Tales of the Blacksmith

Maybe we can't spin webs to swing from but we can provide trade spend solutions to protect you from disparate data and manual processes.


CPG Brand Adaptation Video

Listen to our discussion about CPG brand adaptation as it relates to changing consumer preferences and behaviors during the pandemic.


Current Events & Baselines

The pandemic has impacted your baseline. We'll show you how to correct data anomalies and improve future sales planning. Watch now.


Welch’s Record Results with TPO

CPG sees more than a 16% increase in promotional ROI – without sacrificing volume or spending over budget.


Business Case for Trade Solutions

We have tips to create a solid trade system business case. Identify your trade challenges, value opportunities and ROI expectations.


Choosing a TPO Solution

Examine the benefits of TPO, identify the key factors to consider and questions to ask in order to choose the right solution for your organization’s needs.


Trade Promotions Optimization: Back to the Future?

The central conceit of the Back to the Future movie franchise is that what you do in the past, or changing what you do in your past, reshapes your future. But does that hold true for trade promotion optimization? Just


Minimizing Lost Sales in an Age of Supply Chain Disruptions

Foodservice supply chains are still lumpy nearly three years after the start of the COVID pandemic. In the meantime, digital sales enablement continues its onward march, and can help smooth out some of the bumps.


Joining the Promotions Dots on Valentine’s Day

Life may be like a box of chocolates – but if you use a TPM/O solution you know what you’re going to get on Valentine’s Day.


2023 – The Year of CPG Normalization?

After two years of disruption, what does 2023 have in store for the CPG industry, and what can players do to leverage it? Read our 5 key trends to operationalize.


Which Half of Promotions Work?

Which half of trade promotions work? What role does data-harmonized post event analysis have in understanding this, and what does that look like?


Death Of The Data Swamp

Data harmonization enhances the quality and integrity of your business data to create a single source of truth.


No More Nasty Accruals Surprises

How improving the transparency and frequency of accruals and reporting reduces the likelihood of overspend and underspend shocks.


Where else should you be selling your product?

Avoiding trade promotion poor performance repetition by moving to forward-looking promotion optimization.


Smoke Jumpers March 2022

Hello, readers. The March issue of Smoke Jumpers magazine is here! Click the button below to view the PDF issue. Feature articles include: P. 4 – Empowering Ecommerce Profitability Insights from Tradeswell’s 2021 brand study reveal the top three challenges


Inflation’s Impact on CPGs

What You’ll Learn: Identify the optimal pricing for your product portfolio Determine how high your price can climb without losing the consumer Leverage the Price Predictor™ methodology to test variations of your portfolio pricing as well as competitive response Webinar


The Art of Managing Accruals

Key Takeaways from The Art of Managing Accruals Webinar: Automation provides 8 key benefits to accrual management Entering and adjusting accruals is simple with a TPM system Accrual reporting and analysis enables real time adjustments for accuracy Webinar Hosts 🎙️ Meghan Hoover,


Reprise BSE CRM Guided Demo


Reprise BSE Insights & Analytics Guided Demo


Reprise Retail TPO Guided Demo


Foodservice-First CRM

Key Takeaways from the Why Foodservice-First CRM is a Better Bet Webinar: A foodservice-first CRM is critical to the go-to-market process How to implement a CRM solution Wins that Idahoan Foods gained through Blacksmith CRM   Webinar Hosts 🎙️ Teddie Granville,


Reprise Retail TPM Guided Demo