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Expert advice on trade strategies and sales planning

Sales planning doesn't have to be a repeat of last year. Have these data-driven conversations to change your promotional outcomes.

3 motivators for you to keep investing in trade promotions. To sustain revenue generation there are proven, data-driven options.

The elusiveness of accurate baselines has hindered understanding and opportunity. Build baselines that accurately reflect in-store activity.

Strengthen your trade spend with trade promotion optimization functionality that will smooth your baselines and generate accurate lift coefficients.

Follow these 3 small steps to help you build, maintain and eventually reap the benefits of a revenue growth management approach.

CPGs can prioritize a comprehensive revenue growth management (RGM) approach to trade investment, pricing, budgeting and funding guidelines.

In response to foodborne illness and consumer concerns, Walmart announced its blockchain technology implementation to ensure food traceability and safety.

CPG manufacturers cannot rely on the same strategies that once allowed them to stay afloat to sustain the revenue growth objectives of their organizations.

Move past a mindset of “what are we spending?” to a more strategic mindset of “what is the optimal return?”.

Optimize your promotional plans to drive more sales. The foundation of trade optimization is to improve strategy and results.

Gen Z is shaking up the food industry. CPG manufacturers that build a relationship with Gen Z will reap benefits as their spending power expands.

“Amazon is placing its bet on the future of the food industry,” says Errol Schweizer, a former Whole Foods executive.